Stephanie McPherson Elected as Board of Director for FLDOCA
We are pleased to announce that Stephanie McPherson, Construction Administrator|Architect here at Studio+, has recently been elected to represent Region 4, in 2020, as a Board of Director for the Florida Design Out Crime Association (FLDOCA), a CPTED network. The state is divided into 5 regions and Region 4 goes from Hillsborough to Collier Counties.
Florida Design Out Crime Association (FLDOCA), a Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED) network, aims to reduce crime and fear of crime through the implementation of environmental design standards. Four standards, basic to the implementation of CPTED, include territoriality, surveillance, access control, and maintenance. These design standards, when implemented together, can collectively influence an individual’s perception of the environment which, in turn, influences one’s fear of crime. The underlying goal of CPTED, like that of urban greening, is to improve the quality of life of city residents.
Studio+ continues to grow their CPTED services and Stephanie plays a large role in this process, as she is a CPTED certified practitioner, construction administrator, and architect with Studio+.
“We, as designers, believe a large part of safe urban environments derives from people realizing a greater degree of responsibility to the well-being of a place, whether that is the home, yard, neighborhood, or town,” says Stephanie.